Chapter 5 Marriage Matters

After all, she was no longer the original Su Yunjin!

She had already changed her "core"!

What problem could there be?

The previous owner of this body had indeed drowned!

Now, she was Su Yunjin who had traveled from the 21st century.

The two individuals had absolutely no connection.

The doctor claimed that Su Yunjin was fine, but Gu Ya didn't believe it. "Doctor, are you sure my wife is really all right? should check her pulse again?" Su Yunjin had been unconscious for two days, and before this, the doctor from Gu Family's village had stated that Su Yunjin was beyond help.

How could she suddenly be all right so quickly?

"What are you talking about? Aren't you happy that your wife is fine?" Gu Ya asked the doctor to take Su Yunjin's pulse again, and the doctor raised his eyebrows in displeasure! Wasn't this questioning his skills?

Faced with the doctor's remark, Gu Ya turned to Su Yunjin with an embarrassed expression.

"Yunjin, no, I didn't mean that, don't misunderstand, I just..."

Seeing how eager Gu Ya was to explain, the doctor's mood lightened, and he softened his tone when he spoke to Gu Ya again.

"Your wife just has a weak constitution. Apart from getting the medicine I've prescribed for her to take, you should also get some nourishing food for her to strengthen her body, and then her illness will be nothing to worry about."

Gu Ya nodded, "Doctor, please trouble you to write a prescription for my wife."

Still somewhat dazed by her sudden time travel, Su Yunjin watched the man and the doctor without interrupting. After the doctor had written the prescription, he handed it to Gu Ya, "Young man, here's the prescription. Take it."

Gu Ya took the prescription and pulled the doctor outside. It seemed he had something to discuss with the doctor.

The village doctor said that Su Yunjin had no chance of survival, but Gu Ya didn't believe it. To cure his wife who had nearly drowned, he especially asked for a favor to find a renowned doctor in town to treat Su Yunjin.

Gu Ya didn't have any money on him. To have this doctor treat Su Yunjin, he could only owe the fee for now.

Initially, the doctor disagreed with the idea of Gu Ya owing him money, but considering the face of Gu Ya's friend, he didn't make an issue of it. He agreed to treat Su Yunjin first, and as for the payment, it could be deferred until they could afford it.

Watching Gu Ya and the doctor leave, Su Yunjin started to sort out her identity once again. From the memories in her head, she knew that the man who had just left was her husband in this body, named Gu Ya, who was a cripple.

As for how the original owner of this body got married into the Gu Family, who were so poor they couldn't be poorer, it was because she was tricked by her own grandmother.


To be precise, it wasn't her biological grandmother but her step-grandmother, a woman her grandfather had married after her grandmother's death.

After marrying into the Su Family, that woman started to gradually take control of the Su Family's assets and never treated them like family.

Being naturally honest and easily bullied, her parents were at the mercy of her step-grandmother, who took all the money they earned for herself.

After the step-grandmother married into the Su Family, she brought several of her own children and later gave birth to another in the Su Family. She was harsh to Su Yunjin's parents but exceedingly kind to her own sons and grandsons, especially her two precious grandsons whom she treated like treasures, afraid they might melt in her mouth and bruise in her pocket.

To find a wife for her youngest son, which is, Su Yunjin's youngest uncle, the child of her step-grandmother and grandfather, the step-grandmother sold Su Yunjin to her current Family—the Gu Family—under the guise of a marriage arrangement.

She claimed to have found a great match for her, a hunter in the mountains whose family was so rich from hunting that they were practically swimming in wealth. She said that once Su Yunjin married into their family, she would never be short of meat throughout the year.

Su Yunjin's naïve and honest parents actually believed the step-grandmother had secured a good marriage for her, and they joyfully married her off to the Gu Family.

They hadn't even bothered to investigate the true state of the Gu Family's finances.