Chapter 10 Sarcasm and Mockery

Su Yunjin pointed at the earthenware bowl in front of her and said, "I'll get up and eat some porridge!"

Gu Ya had just come back and hadn't looked at the table, so he didn't notice the bowl and spoon on it until Su Yunjin mentioned it.

Carrying the medicinal herbs in his hand, he walked to the table and saw the small bowl, which was also chipped, and feared such a small bowl might not be enough to fill her.

He then asked, "Yunjin, would you like more? I'll serve you another bowl."

"No need." One bowl was enough for Su Yunjin. In modern times, Su Yunjin didn't eat much, and besides, the porridge she had just eaten was somewhat thick, so she felt about eighty percent full.

Looking at Gu Ya's hands, Su Yunjin asked, "What are you holding there?"

Gu Ya had mentioned earlier that he was going to get some medicine for her, and Su Yunjin guessed that what he was holding must be the medicinal herbs Gu Ya had gone to get for her.

And that was indeed the case. "Yunjin, these packets are all the medicine I just got for you at the market."

Su Yunjin's complexion was now pale, her skin dry and yellow, presenting a malnourished and sickly appearance.

While at the market getting medicine, even though he was financially embarrassed, Gu Ya still clenched his teeth and bought two taels of pork for Su Yunjin at the butcher's, spending two copper coins.

This was to make some soup, as well as to nourish her body. The doctor had said she needed to be well nourished; today, they would make do with those two taels of meat.

His leg might be lame, but his hands were still functional. His archery skills were unmatched in Gu Family village – with aim, he never missed. Otherwise, his hunting abilities wouldn't be so well-known throughout Gu Family village.

Although he couldn't hunt the big beasts in the deep mountains, he could still hunt wild chickens and ducks on the foothills and at the base of the mountain.

Tomorrow at first light, he'd go up the mountain again to try his luck.

Who knows, he might be able to come back with a few wild chickens or ducks.

With those, he wouldn't have to worry about lacking meat to nourish his little wife.

Su Yunjin didn't know that Gu Ya, despite his lame leg, was planning to go up the mountain to get her some game. If she had known, she would definitely have stopped him.

Gu Ya already had a lame leg, the left one at that. If he went into the mountains again, she hoped he wouldn't come back with his right leg lame too, or worse, encounter a tiger or other beast and be eaten—she would feel terribly guilty.

After all, Su Yunjin was a person who had received higher education in the 21st century.

She could never allow a man with a disabled leg to go up the mountain to hunt for her nourishment.

"Yunjin, rest well; I'll go brew the medicine for you," Gu Ya said to her, then picked up the medicinal herbs and left the house.

After Gu Ya left, Su Yunjin did not lie down as he had suggested.

Before her transmigration, the original owner of the body had already been lying down for two days, and now that she occupied the body, it was as if she, too, had been lying down for two days.

Having lain down for so long, she would not be surprised if she got bedridden if she continued lying down.

Moreover, lying down all day, she suspected one could become ill from inactivity.

The blankets on the bed had been stained with a lot of medicine when Gu Ya had been feeding it to her in her unconscious state – it was all the awful bitter smell of herbal medicine, and Su Yunjin wanted to change them since she could not bear the scent.

She got out of bed and searched the room thoroughly, and in an old wooden box, Su Yunjin unexpectedly found a clean quilt cover and bedsheet.

They had been washed by the original owner before going back to her parents' home. Su Yunjin rejoiced; this meant she would not have to continue sleeping on the dirty, stinky, moldy blanket and bedsheets on the bed.

Su Yunjin took out the clean bedsheets and quilt she had just found, which were still fragrant with a pleasant odor of soapberry.

Efficiently, Su Yunjin changed the blankets and bedsheets on the bed to the clean ones.