Chapter 14 Setting Bones

Gu Ya's leg was indeed as Su Yunjin had previously guessed, still treatable. The protrusion she had just felt was where the bone was misplaced and hadn't been set correctly.

After setting Gu Ya's leg bone properly and applying some herbal medicine, resting for ten days to half a month would allow Gu Ya to walk without a crutch.

Of course, if he wanted to move freely and recover as before, that would require a longer period of rest.

Su Yunjin checked Gu Ya's wound again, and this time, seeing her serious demeanor filled with inquiry and thoughtfulness, Gu Ya cast aside his flirtatious musings.

"Yunjin, can you treat illnesses?"

After asking, Gu Ya looked at Su Yunjin, who just opened her mouth to respond, then realized that the original owner of this body was a common farm girl who knew neither how to practice medicine nor how to save people.

If she now claimed that she could heal and save others, it would inevitably arouse Gu Ya's suspicion.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, Su Yunjin replied, "No, I haven't studied medicine. How could I possibly know how to treat illnesses?"

"Then you still..." Gu Ya intended to say that since the young wife did not know medicine, what was she looking at? But then he remembered that the young wife was concerned about his leg injury, and so he swallowed the rest of his words.

Su Yunjin was no fool! She could clearly interpret Gu Ya's meaning.

She explained, "Although I can't treat illnesses, I can set bones!" In her memories, the original body's owner had helped her father with setting a cow's bone in the Su Family. Claiming she could set bones might just be plausible enough to not raise Gu Ya's suspicions.

"Yunjin, can you really set bones?" Gu Ya was skeptical, scrutinizing Su Yunjin with a face full of inquiry, pondering the truthfulness of her statement. The young wife was so delicate and frail; how could she possibly set bones?

Wasn't that nonsensical?

Su Yunjin rolled her eyes at Gu Ya. "You don't believe me?"

Gu Ya indeed did not believe the young wife's words. "I..."

"Forget it, believe it or not, it's up to you." Su Yunjin waved her hand and did not let Gu Ya continue speaking, yet she secretly thought that once she had healed Gu Ya's leg, the fact in front of him would leave him no choice but to believe.

Having examined Gu Ya's wound, Su Yunjin had a plan in mind. Seeing that Gu Ya hadn't pulled down his trouser leg yet, she said, "It's okay now, you can pull your trousers down."

After speaking without much thought, Su Yunjin realized Gu Ya's expression was amiss, his flushed, handsome face cluing her into the double entendre of her words.

So, she quickly tried to clarify, "I mean, you should put your trouser leg down, not take your trousers off!"

"You, woman, you..." No sooner had Su Yunjin finished speaking did Gu Ya get up, hobbling away, leaving Su Yunjin behind, utterly baffled!

Had she just said something wrong?

Su Yunjin asked herself.

Gu Ya had gone out, and Su Yunjin sat there, contemplating his leg.

When she had examined Gu Ya's leg just before, she had clearly discovered that someone had attempted to set it before. However, the person who had tried to set Gu Ya's leg seemed not to have been very skilled.

Not only did they fail to set Gu Ya's leg properly, but they had also caused it to become lame.

Gu Ya's leg injury was not that severe at the time, it was just a dislocation.

If the doctor had been competent back then, Gu Ya's leg would have healed long ago, and there would have been no need for medication.

Now Gu Ya's leg could certainly be healed, but it would be more troublesome. After setting it, it would require daily application of medicine to the fracture site and additional support from two wooden boards tied to stabilize it.

If the bone had been set correctly after the initial break, a few days of rest would have sufficed.

There would have been no need for the current complications.