Chapter 24: Make Him Stay

"Yunjin, we are husband and wife," Gu Ya said.

His implication was that he wanted to stay.

Having heard Gu Ya's words, Su Yunjin was somewhat at a loss for words. They were indeed husband and wife now.

"Yunjin, what are you thinking about?" Gu Ya's voice pulled Su Yunjin back from her memories.

She wouldn't tell Gu Ya that she was thinking about the night of their wedding.

"Thinking about nothing!"

She wasn't sure if it was just her imagination, but Su Yunjin always felt that Gu Ya's gaze upon her was somewhat unusual. It had always been the norm for Gu Ya to sleep in the firewood room, and she couldn't understand why all of a sudden he wanted to stay. Su Yunjin asked Gu Ya, "Why don't you sleep in the firewood room anymore?"

"The firewood room is too hard and uncomfortable," Gu Ya said.

"..." Su Yunjin was speechless. Too hard? Hadn't Gu Ya always slept well before?

She had never heard him complain about it being too hard before.