Chapter 28 The Shrew

Mrs. Feng scolded as she charged towards Su Yunjin with her plump body. Yunjin's eyes narrowed as she kicked a stone towards her, swiftly dodging to the side. All one heard was Mrs. Feng let out a loud "Ah!" as she fell face-first onto the ground.

As luck would have it, Mrs. Feng's chin struck precisely against the stone that Yunjin had kicked, knocking out one of her teeth. Fuming with shame and rage, Mrs. Feng glared at Yunjin. Before she could spit out her curses, Yunjin stepped forward and warned her, "I'm telling you, if you spout nonsense in front of me again, I'll beat you every time I see you!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Mrs. Feng's shouts were devoid of any dignity, raw and hoarse, her face flushed with anger.

Yunjin smiled coldly, "You think I wouldn't?"

Without giving Mrs. Feng another glance, Yunjin, carrying her basket and holding her sickle, turned around and left. Knowing that Mrs. Feng would not let it go easily, Yunjin remained vigilant for any movements behind her.