Chapter 41 Accident

Mrs. An favored Gu Ya, her son.

Within the Gu Family, there was always a bias towards Gu Ya.

Moreover, Gu Ya's leg was crippled from falling down the mountain while trying to save his father, so Mrs. An and her husband both felt they had wronged Gu Ya. Out of guilt, Mrs. An became even more partial towards Gu Ya than before.

Her favoritism towards Su Yunjin was also for the sake of Gu Ya, her son!


If Gu Ya were eaten by the wild beasts on the mountain!

Mrs. Zhang didn't believe that Mrs. An would continue treating Su Yunjin, that little wretch, well, showing such favoritism towards Su Yunjin at every turn. Just thinking about the white rice porridge with meat that Su Yunjin had eaten two days ago made Mrs. Zhang's heart, liver, and lungs ache.