Chapter 68 What Should It Be Called

Su Yunjin found it strange.

As soon as she returned, she asked Gu Ya, "Husband, who lives next to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's house?"

"Yunjin, why are you suddenly asking this?" Gu Ya was somewhat puzzled.

Su Yunjin sat down next to Gu Ya and told him what she had just seen, "Here's the thing! I just went out and saw a man that I had never seen before at the Gu Family, and I saw that man went straight to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's house, so I asked!"

Gu Ya's brother and sister-in-law had two children in total, the youngest son being Gu Xiaobao, who was only five years old, whom Su Yunjin had met. The other one was Gu Changshun, who, after attending school for a few years, went to Yangcheng to find a job! He worked as a kitchen helper in the back of a restaurant. Yangcheng was far, and it was troublesome to come back, so Gu Changshun ate and lived over there in Yangcheng, rarely returning home, generally only once every month or two.