Chapter 71: Sleaziness

"Get lost!"

Su Yunjin shouted angrily.

"Auntie, what's with the act of decency? Last night I discovered that you were staring at me the whole time! Could it be that you have feelings for me, Auntie? Otherwise, why would you stare at me as soon as I returned?"

Gu Changshun laughed lecherously, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth to Su Yunjin.

Once again, Gu Changshun's disgusting behavior nearly made Su Yunjin vomit her meal from the previous night. Hadn't Su Yunjin always been unaware of Gu Changshun's existence? Last night, she had merely glanced at Gu Changshun out of curiosity; since when did she stare at that Gu Changshun?

That man had quite the nerve.

Gu Changshun didn't care about that, and once again lunged at Su Yunjin. This time, Su Yunjin was prepared, and as Gu Changshun pounced, she dodged to the side and avoided his touch.