Chapter 94 Rescued

Su Ningxiu had been tied up for a day and hadn't eaten anything. She felt numb all over. When Su Zhongshi untied her, Su Ningxiu tried to stand, but as soon as she got up, she stumbled and fell. Thankfully, her father Su Zhongshi caught her in time. "Ningxiu, are you alright?" he asked with concern.

Gazing at his daughter, Su Zhongshi's face was filled with concern. Su Ningxiu looked at Su Zhongshi and shook her head. "Dad, I'm alright, just a bit numb in my legs!"

"Big sister, you've been tied up all day; no wonder your legs are numb. Come on, let me help you out!" Su Yunjin took the initiative to help Su Ningxiu up.

Su Ningxiu seemed to remember something and pointed towards a corner of the firewood shed. "Xiaobao, Xiaobao was also tied up by them! Mom, Dad, hurry and untie Xiaobao too."

Previously, Su Yunjin and the rest had been solely focused on Su Ningxiu and hadn't noticed that little Xiaobao was also in the tiny firewood shed.