Chapter 152: Drunk

Having time-traveled to this era, Su Yunjin rarely encountered such a lavish meal. At lunch, she was particularly satisfied, everyone at the table having their fill until their mouths were greasy.

However, for some reason, Su Yunjin didn't know why, but halfway through the meal, she began to feel a bit dizzy, and the dishes on the table looked a bit blurry to her.

As she continued eating, Su Yunjin felt increasingly heavy-headed and her eyes very tired.

After shoveling another mouthful of rice, she rubbed her forehead with her hand and tried hard to blink her eyes, wondering what was happening. Could it be because she had a bowl of rice wine earlier in the kitchen?

That shouldn't be it!

She hadn't consumed much!

Just one bowl.

Moreover, the rice wine of ancient times was sweet, and tasted just like the fruit wines Su Yunjin had in the modern world. Logically, she shouldn't feel intoxicated after just a little bit of that rice wine.

So why did she feel this way?