Chapter 175 Gu Yan in Trouble

Leaving the fish pond.

Both buckets of fish were carried by Su Yunjin's father, Su Zhongshi, while Su Yunjin and her second elder sister, Su Ningxiu, walked with ease, not needing to carry any fish. Leading the way was Su Xiaobao, his little face full of anticipation.

"Third sister, can we really buy back big brother's indenture contract if we sell these fish?"

Actually, Su Yunjin wasn't completely sure that she could make money by making pickled fish sauce from these fish, but seeing Su Xiaobao's innocent face, as if buying these fish could indeed redeem their big brother Su Muze's indenture contract, Su Yunjin couldn't bear to let Su Xiaobao be disappointed.

Patting Su Xiaobao on the head, Su Yunjin smiled, "Xiaobao, don't worry! With these fish, your third sister will definitely be able to buy back big brother."

"Mm!" Su Xiaobao looked up at Su Yunjin and nodded. He believed everything his third sister said. If she said she could save big brother, then she could.