Chapter 177 Accident

"Pah! Truly cursed luck! How come he didn't just die when he fell from the mountain? Would've saved us so much trouble. Now we have to spend money to treat him! Does he really think our Gu Family is made of money?"

"Right? The foundations of our Gu Family have already been nearly emptied by that couple, and now this fall from the mountain? Who knows how much silver this will cost us this time?"

Eldest sister-in-law Mrs. Zhang and fourth sister-in-law Mrs. Han were exchanging these spiteful remarks in the courtyard, not even worrying about being overheard by their mother-in-law Mrs. An.

Let her hear it, so much the better!

It's time everyone went their separate ways.

Otherwise, if we keep being dragged down by Gu Ya and his wife, we might end up with nothing but northwest wind to drink!