Chapter 202 Disdain

"Where did you injure your arm? Let me take a look."

Su Yunjin looked Gu Ya's arms up and down, but really couldn't tell where there was any problem with his arms.

"My arm—?" Gu Ya's arms indeed didn't have any issues, if there were any, it would just be a slight scrape at most, which definitely didn't interfere with him taking his medicine.

Unexpectedly, his little wife would ask about his arm? Gu Ya didn't react for a moment. Seeing his confusion, Su Yunjin figured it out.

This man's arms were absolutely fine.

Really, this man.

If he wanted her to feed him the medicine, he could've just said so!

And claiming he'd also hurt his hand!

How childish!

Su Yunjin looked at Gu Ya with a face full of disdain. Gu Ya seemed to realize she had discovered the trick, and immediately rolled up his sleeve to show her a scraped spot on his arm, "Yunjin, look, I've been injured here." Su Yunjin looked at Gu Ya's arm, which indeed had a scraped area, likely from falling down the mountain.