Chapter 233 Satisfied

She put down her chopsticks.

Su Yunjin looked at the bowl she had filled to the brim and didn't continue to serve Gu Ya any more meat; carrying the bowl, she went to Gu Ya's room.

In the courtyard, Su Yunjin saw Gu Jianghai walking over and said with a smile, "Fifth Brother, the food is all set, you go to the kitchen first, I'll go and bring Third Brother his meal."

"Third Sister-in-law, don't worry about us, just go and take care of Third Brother's meal, I will take Aluo, this little girl, to the kitchen to wait for you," Gu Jianghai said, holding his daughter Aluo's hand, knowing that Su Yunjin and her company had rabbit meat to eat, the little girl was hopping and jumping, extremely happy.

Gu Ya was lying in the room and felt his young wife coming over, so he quickly sat up, "Yunjin!"

"I've brought your meal over, there's rabbit meat in the bowl, eat up, if it's not enough, I'll come back later to give you more!" Su Yunjin said, while walking toward Gu Ya's bedside.