Chapter 256 Good News

After leaving the Gu Family,

Su Yunjin went straight back to the Su Family.

Besides helping her elder brother redeem his indenture contract,

she also planned to tell her parents today about the news that Gu Ya's legs were fine.

Gu Ya's legs were broken.

That day her parents were also very worried.

Su Yunjin left early in the morning, and by the time she returned to the Su Family, her parents had just finished eating.

Su Xiaobao was the first in the courtyard to see Su Yunjin, "Third sister!"

he called out in surprise.

Then Su Xiaobao told Mrs. Shen and Su Ningxiu inside the house, "Mother, second sister, third sister is back."

Su Xiaobao happily ran up to Su Yunjin.

He smiled and told her, "Third sister, Dad and Mom said we would visit you and brother-in-law today!"

Gu Ya's legs were broken.

Su Yunjin's parents and second sister were very upset.

Since she came back, they had been thinking of ways to see if they could reattach Gu Ya's legs.