Chapter 275: Bluffing

She had gained the approval of Manager Liu!

Su Yunjin's heart leapt with joy!


Now she was one step closer to selling her pig's blood.

Handing the spoon to Manager Liu, Su Yunjin, smiling, added, "You haven't yet tasted the pig's blood soup, Manager Liu. Why don't you give it a try and see how the flavor compares?"

"Certainly, certainly!"

Having tasted the spicy pig's blood, Manager Liu couldn't wait to try the pig's blood soup as well, curious if its flavor would be just as delightful as the spicy pig's blood he had just tasted.

Taking the spoon from Su Yunjin, Manager Liu eagerly scooped up a spoonful of pig's blood soup to taste.

Watching from the side with a tense expression, as soon as Manager Liu had finished his taste of the pig's blood soup, Su Yunjin tentatively asked, "How is it? Manager Liu, do you find the flavor of this pig's blood soup to your satisfaction?"