Chapter 295: Heartache


Ha, ha!

No one beats that level of thick skin!

With a cold laugh, Su Yunjin said to Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Han without any politeness, "My things, why should I give them to you to eat? Even if one of you is my elder sister-in-law and the other is my younger brother's wife, so what? If I don't want to give you my things, you can't even touch a finger to anything in my house!"

"You—!" The faces of Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Han both turned ugly at the same time. How dare this little wench talk to them like that?

They were so angry that they shook!

Su Yunjin didn't care about the expressions on the faces of Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Han. After speaking, before the two could react, she pulled and dragged them toward the kitchen door.

"Su Yunjin, you little wench, what are you touching me for? Let go, let me go right now!" She hadn't even had a chance to enjoy the food on the table yet! How could Mrs. Zhang resign herself to being dragged away by Su Yunjin?