Chapter 355: Wild Man

Su Yunjin said this.

Fan Wenxuan's face was full of disbelief.



How could Su Yunjin have no feelings for him?

Didn't Su Yunjin clearly show jealousy towards him just now?

Yet now she says it has nothing to do with her?

Still not giving up, Fan Wenxuan stared intently at Su Yunjin, "Yunjin, have you forgotten that we were once betrothed? Yunjin, I regret it now, truly, I regret it. Back then, I actually liked you. If it weren't for your cousin Su Xiaofu, yes! That little bitch Su Xiaofu, if she hadn't seduced me back then, I wouldn't have broken off the engagement with you. It's all your cousin Su Xiaofu's fault. Otherwise, we would have been married by now, and you would already be my woman, Fan Wenxuan's woman."

Could he really say such things?

It could overturn her worldview in minutes!

Heh heh!

Hearing Fan Wenxuan's words, Su Yunjin really wanted to slap him in the face.

This man is truly no ordinary scumbag, is he?