Chapter 358 Asking for a Beating


He really wasn't a person who liked to meddle in other people's affairs!

As for why he helped that woman?

The man glanced at his follower, but did not answer.

This time, Su Yunjin came to the market to buy ingredients for pickled fish sauce.

She was just delayed by that scumbag Fan Wenxuan.

Until now, Su Yunjin hadn't bought any ingredients.

She didn't delay any further.

Su Yunjin decided to hurry and buy all the necessary ingredients now.

Sichuan pepper, chili, white salt, Su Yunjin bought all these items in turn and, because she had many things, also returned home by ox cart just as before.

Gu Ya had been waiting at home for his little wife to return, and it was past noon by the time he saw his little wife come in from outside, sweating profusely. He stopped the accounting he was doing and hurriedly asked, "Yun Nian, why did you come back so late today?"