Chapter 373 Wages

At first, when Ding Wang learned that Gu Ya's legs were crippled, he felt truly sorry for him.

Now, seeing that there was nothing wrong with Gu Ya's legs, in his joy, Ding Wang couldn't help but ask curiously, "Brother Gu, how did your legs suddenly get better? Weren't they all saying that your legs were done for, that you could only lie in bed from now on? How did they suddenly heal?"

Gu Ya's legs were healed by his little wife.

Glancing at his little wife, Gu Ya said, "Brother Ding Wang, I won't conceal it from you. I can stand on my legs now, thanks largely to your sister-in-law's care."

Ding Wang thought that Gu Ya was talking about the good care provided by Su Yunjin and chuckled, "Brother Gu, your wife takes such great care of you. To marry a wife like sister-in-law is truly your good fortune."

Gu Ya's gaze turned to his little wife once more, and although he was responding to Ding Wang, Gu Ya's eyes remained fixed on Su Yunjin.