Chapter 413 Show Off

Gu Ya was dining at the men's table, not seated with Wan Ruyan. Since Su Yunjin was a woman, it wouldn't be proper for her to join the men's table, leaving her no choice but to sit with her sisters-in-law, those few exceptional characters, and also with Wan Ruyan.

Without the option to glance at Gu Ya, Wan Ruyan shifted her gaze to Su Yunjin instead, sizing her up from head to toe, then secretly compared herself with Su Yunjin.

After assessing, Wan Ruyan felt Su Yunjin was not as beautiful as she was, and when compared with her, Su Yunjin's figure was far inferior. The Wan Family owned a small shop.

Their family didn't lack for food, so Wan Ruyan was indeed fuller figured than Su Yunjin. As for looks, Wan Ruyan was more sultry and had fairer skin. Wan Ruyan always thought herself to be beautiful, and now looking at Su Yunjin, she felt the same way—that Su Yunjin's appearance couldn't compare to hers.