Chapter 416: Joke

Su Yunjin returned to her room first.

Unaware of the events outside, Su Yunjin hadn't eaten much earlier and, upon returning to her room, headed for the kitchen.

She decided to make something else to eat.

After surveying the kitchen,

she thought it would be too much trouble to cook anything elaborate and opted to make a bowl of noodles instead.

While Su Yunjin was in the kitchen boiling noodles, Gu Ya and the Wan siblings, Wan Da'an and Wan Ruyan, left with unsightly expressions after dropping their chopsticks. Following Gu Ya's words, the faces of Wan Da'an and Wan Ruyan were as unpleasant as could be, having lost all their dignity in front of so many people.

Mrs. Han was inwardly mocking Wan Ruyan, finding the Wan Family's embarrassment quite the spectacle that afternoon, as if they'd been slapped resoundingly across the face.

How amusing!

How interesting!