Chapter 496: Moved House

Today was moving day, and early in the morning, Su Yunjin and Gu Ya were up, and the couple formed by Gu Jianghai and Mrs. Chu also came to help. Uncle Hu from the village had promised Gu Ya to come over to the home of Su Yunjin and her husband right after breakfast.

Uncle Hu only had one ox cart, and with the move today, Su Yunjin and others needed to transport not only grains but also various other items from the house.

With so many items, they certainly couldn't be moved in one trip. Su Yunjin calculated that they would need at least two cartloads to move everything.

For the first trip, Su Yunjin let Uncle Hu help them transport the grains. During the last division of the family property, Su Yunjin and her husband Gu Ya had received some grain.

There was also the flour Su Yunjin had bought at the market that was in the kitchen.

The grain they had received was around seventy to eighty pounds per bag, with some larger bags weighing nearly a hundred pounds.