Chapter 502 Eavesdropping

"You eavesdropped on my conversation with Auntie Song?"

Su Yunjin stared at Gu Ya.

Hadn't he been in front all along? How could he have heard her conversation with Auntie Song?

Gu Ya spread his hands, looking innocently, "Yunjin, your voices weren't exactly quiet. I heard you as soon as I came over; you can't blame me for that."

"So, it's my fault now?" Su Yunjin rolled her eyes.

Gu Ya moved closer to Su Yunjin, with an irritatingly smug smile, "Yunjin, seriously though, will you eat it? If you want, I can cook it for you tomorrow."

Su Yunjin stepped on Gu Ya's foot.

"Eat it yourself."

Gu Ya was unprepared.

The little wife stepped on him several times with muffled grunts.

Ignoring Gu Ya, Su Yunjin walked away. Gu Ya followed her, "Yunjin, it's alright if you don't want to eat it. I truly think you don't need to."

She couldn't be bothered with him.