Chapter 557 Give Her a Surprise

What would Gu Ya do to Su Yunjin?

Divorce her?

Then hand her over to the village head for punishment, have Su Yunjin first dipped into a pig cage, ruin her reputation completely, and finally, leave her with an ending where no one wants her. Tsk, tsk, tsk, just thinking about it feels so tragic.

Su Xiaofu was eagerly anticipating seeing Su Yunjin's humiliation, not realizing she herself was but a joke at the moment. She had thought Gu Ya, upon hearing her, would fly into a rage and punish Su Yunjin, not expecting Gu Ya to instead look at her and shout furiously, "Shut up!" The cold voice sent a chill down Su Xiaofu's back.

Her body shivered uncontrollably.