Chapter 567 Planning for Her

Back in the room.

Gu Ya saw that his little wife seemed to be in high spirits, so he poured her a cup of tea and handed it to her, "Yunjin, are you that happy?"

"Of course, I am happy," Su Yunjin took the tea from Gu Ya, feeling satisfied beyond reprimanding Mrs. Tao and Su Xiaofu.

Su Yunjin was also very pleased for her parents. Today, they had clearly shown they were not as weak and pliable as before.

In the past, Su Yunjin's parents always yielded in front of others, easily manipulated by Mrs. Tao without any resistance.

Today, although Su Yunjin could see her parents still showed some tolerance towards Mrs. Tao, they were no longer spineless pushovers.

They even knew how to push back a little.

Good! Good!

If this continued, they would soon change and no longer be as weak and vulnerable as before. After taking a sip of tea, Su Yunjin placed her cup back on the table.