Chapter 595 Unsolicited Favor or Utterly Attentive Without Cause

"Yunjin, actually, Ningxiu isn't sure if it was that person either," Su Ningxiu was also doubtful in her heart.

Whether it was him or not, Su Ningxiu didn't know for sure.

"Who is it?" These sorts of matters, Su Yunjin felt, were usually unmistakable. The person whom her sister Su Ningxiu thought it was would definitely be the man who sent the gifts.

Su Ningxiu hemmed and hawed, hesitating for a while before she finally told Su Yunjin, "Little sister, I won't hide it from you—I actually don't know that man's name."

Su Yunjin broke into a sweat. How could she have guessed that her sister really didn't know the name of the man? What on earth was going on?

"Sister, so you're saying you're not very familiar with that man?" Su Yunjin couldn't imagine her sister not knowing the name of the man.

Su Ningxiu nodded, "Mhm, I can't say that we're familiar. We've only met a few times." Not very familiar, yet the man kept sending things to their home.