Chapter 599: Didn't See It

Mrs. Liang was superstitious.

Afraid that her son's official career would be influenced by the widow Feng, she even sought out a crone to dispel the evil spirits from her house after the uproar involving Su Xiaofu and Feng Meimei, making it impossible for Fan Wenxuan to stay in the Su Family village.

He hastily packed his belongings and fled to the academy in town. Mrs. Liang prepared a pouch of money for Fan Wenxuan, filled with copper coins she had saved from living frugally.

Handing the money to Fan Wenxuan, Mrs. Liang advised him with earnest concern, "Son, take this money and don't deprive yourself at the academy. If you crave meat, buy some. Just remember one thing, study hard at the academy. Your mother is still waiting for you to bring back a high official rank! And don't go attracting those indecent women anymore."

In Mrs. Liang's eyes, neither Su Xiaofu nor Feng Meimei were anything decent – what were those two women compared to her son Fan Wenxuan?