Chapter 609: Who is so malicious?

In the village, once the Magistrate saw that most of the villagers had arrived, he began to speak slowly in front of everyone, "I have gathered everyone here today, and I presume you all know why? Indeed, I have called you all here today for the matter concerning the third son's wife from the Gu Family, Mrs. Su."

"Magistrate, I heard that Mrs. Su was slandered. Is it true?" someone in the crowd asked.

The Magistrate looked in the direction of the voice and nodded, "Exactly, the young man just now is right. The third son's wife from the Gu Family was indeed the victim of a smear campaign. By now, both Mrs. Su and her husband have uncovered the truth of the matter, and as the Magistrate, it's my duty to clear Mrs. Su's name before all of you here today. I also ask that after today, no one should spread rumors about Mrs. Su without due consideration."