Chapter 616: Strike

Yunjin had made a total of six jars of fruit wine this time and scooped out a spoonful of fruit wine from the jar on the far left.

She leaned in to smell it.

The fragrance of the fruit wine was even stronger.

But smelling this sweet aroma, Yunjin had a vague, uneasy premonition that this batch of fruit wine might taste similar to the last one she made. Back then, when she scooped the fruit wine to sniff, she also remembered this scent, a sweetness that was somewhat cloying.

She furrowed her brows.

Yunjin looked towards Gu Ya.

Gu Ya encouraged Yunjin, "Yunniang, give it a try." After nodding to Gu Ya, Yunjin tentatively bowed her head and took a small sip. Gu Ya eagerly asked, "Yunniang, how is it?"

Yunjin's premonition was all too accurate—the taste of this batch of fruit wine wasn't much different from her previous attempt, although it wasn't as sweet.

The flavor was just as lacking in richness.