Chapter 630 A Startling Surprise

After applying her face mask, Su Yunjin had just lain down when Gu Ya's handsome face leaned in close. Staring at the enlarged features of the man, Su Yunjin's heart tightened. "What are you doing?" she exclaimed. It was the middle of the night—why was he startling her like this instead of sleeping?

Gu Ya looked down at his young wife. "Yunjin, let me check if your face has become smoother," he said.

As he spoke, Gu Ya reached out to touch her face.

Su Yunjin was silent.

This man, was he that bored? Checking to see if her face had become smoother instead of sleeping in the dead of night?

For the past few days, his young wife had been applying a medicinal ointment she'd concocted to her face every day. She said that the ointment would make her skin whiter and smoother. At first, Gu Ya didn't believe her.

His hand had just touched his wife's face.