Chapter 636: What to Do About the Pregnancy

Su Yunjin felt that she had really spoiled Gu Yan too much, for this entire month she hadn't rested for more than a few days, that man, having tasted the sweetness, was restless every day.

Su Yunjin vaguely remembered the words Gu Yan whispered in her ear yesterday, asking if the child inside her belly was theirs? Su Yunjin placed her hand on her lower abdomen.

In ancient times, there wasn't much in the way of contraception, and she and Gu Yan had never taken any measures. Although Su Yunjin knew medicine and was aware of which herbs could prevent pregnancy.

But all medicines have their side effects, so Su Yunjin had not prepared any for herself. Moreover, if she really did have a child with Gu Yan, Su Yunjin felt that she was not particularly averse to the idea.

Having a little dumpling to raise didn't seem too bad at all. Su Yunjin had refused the manager, Liu, twice in a row, and not many days after, Liu, the manager, actually came to their house again.