Chapter 36: Returning Home Behind His Wife's Back

In the darkness, Gu Youyou saw Jin Zijin's eyes gleaming with a terrifying light, like that of a wild beast. More than the pain coming from her wrist, it was these eyes, these spine-chilling eyes, that she feared.

In the few days she had spent with Jin Zijin, she had only seen the good in him. His deep, inscrutable eyes were always calm, this was the first time they emitted such a frightening radiance.

Having spent years in a dark room, Gu Youyou's eyes were sharper than those of an average person. In such darkness, she could see much more clearly than others could, which made her even more afraid.

"Youyou?" Jin Zijin asked with a questioning tone, his breath still ragged.

Gu Youyou held her breath and, feigning calmness, said, "What happened? It's me!"

Jin Zijin was silent for a moment before he said hoarsely, "It's nothing, just a nightmare!"

Having said that, he let go of Gu Youyou and turned over to sleep with his back to her.