Chapter 65: Elder Maternal Aunt

Gu Xiaolian, who was nearby, quickly stood up and softly greeted her aunt.

"Ah, so it's my aunt," she said.

"Mmm, Daya, that's quite the belly you have there, how many months along are you?" the woman asked with a chrysanthemum-bright smile, staring at Gu Xiaolian's belly.

"Five, five or six months!" Her face went a little pale as they mentioned her belly.

The Gu Family's elder aunt exclaimed in surprise, "Five or six months, you say? That seems a bit small. Eat more, you can't neglect yourself even if you're married off."

Gu Xiaolian lowered her head and acknowledged with a yes.

Acting respectfully, Gu Youyou also hurriedly stood up and crisply called out to her aunt.

The aunt scrutinized Gu Youyou from head to toe, nodding and shaking her head, leaving them unsure what she meant.

After a while, she shook her head and said, "What a loss, you married beneath you."


Both Gu Youyou and Gu Xiaolian were taken aback.