Chapter 69: Meeting Gu Youyou


A purely handcrafted bamboo basket was quickly taking shape. The bamboo used for this basket had been chosen for its thinness and lack of yellowing, making it much lighter than ordinary baskets.

"All done, what do you think?"

Jin Zijin handed the bamboo basket to Gu Youyou, clapped his hands, and stood up.

Gu Youyou's face beamed with joy as she nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, it's simply perfect."

This was just like the medicine-gathering basket she had used in her previous life! She held it in her hands, reluctant to let it go. With this, once spring arrived, she could go up the mountain to gather herbs. Even if she couldn't find any expensive herbs to sell, being able to gather the medicinal herbs she needed herself would save her the cost of buying them, wouldn't it?

She didn't have any more dowries to sell after all.

Gu Youyou attached the two straps she had braided from scrap cloth to the basket, so it could be carried on her back.