Chapter 76 Eat Sweet Cake

Jin Zijin had an edible dormouse in his hand, which was for Gu Youyou. He had sold the others and exchanged them for rice.

Gu Youyou thought of helping him since his hands were full, but upon seeing the sack of rice, she decided against it; she didn't have the strength to catch it.

As for the edible dormouse in the other hand... forget it, blood-drenched, she'd have to wash her hands later.

What a waste of hot water.

In the end, her hands could only awkwardly extend half into the air.

Gu Youyou chuckled and said, "Zijin, are there more game on the mountain now?"

After pondering, she still asked the question.

Jin Zijin nodded and said, "Yes, there is more, so I bought you some sweet cakes!"

Gu Youyou: "Oh...?"

When he put down the items, sure enough, he pulled out a paper-wrapped package from his chest, containing a piece of cake that was half-crushed!