Chapter 114: Eating a Meal with Meat

He actually trusted Jin Zijin so much that he never doubted why a hunter would know so much, or find any issue with that!

This made Gu Youyou increasingly uneasy.

She did not know how much Gu Feng understood about Jin Zijin, or what kind of dealings they had with each other.

Regardless, Gu Feng would never harm her, Gu Youyou was very clear about this, so no matter how many secrets about Jin Zijin she discovered, she still dared to stay by his side peacefully.

Gu Youyou took out the dried mushrooms she had prepared earlier and handed them to Gu Feng, saying, "Grandfather, these are the mushrooms I picked on the mountain. Keep them and stew them to eat!"

"Mushrooms?" Gu Feng opened the coarse cloth bundle, casually taking out some dried mushrooms.

He only recognized a few and knew they were edible, but most of them were unfamiliar to him.

He looked at Gu Youyou somewhat surprised and asked, "These mushrooms can really be eaten?"