Chapter 186 Another One Comes as One Leaves

Upon hearing this, the shadow on the window flashed, and the next moment, he had already arrived in front of Jin Zijin's bed.

Jin Zijin, dressed in a simple undergarment, was sitting calmly on the edge of the bed, looking at him and said, "Why have you come?"

The man opposite, dressed in black with a cloak, concealed his face, only revealing faint red lips and a smooth chin.

He raised his hand and took the cloak off his head, and his eagle-like sharp eyes turned to Jin Zijin sitting on the edge of the bed.

Perhaps it was because he had never seen him so disheveled before, he slightly furrowed his brows and said, "Do you intend to talk to me like this?"

Jin Zijin looked down at his clothes, having been a hunter for years, he no longer cared about such things, and simply stated, "If not like this, then how? Like last time?"

Last time, they had talked in the courtyard during a thunderstorm, which seemed even more of a mess.