Chapter 223: Heart Disease

When Yuancheng woke up and learned about his situation, he was nowhere to be seen, hiding in his room all day and refusing to come out for meals, driving Qin Changlin to desperation.

"Sister Youyou, what should we do? His physical injuries have healed, but this heart..." In agony, he patted his chest and said, "It's hard to treat a heartache! He's even ignoring me now. He can't just keep moping around like this. Think of something fast!"

Gu Youyou replied irritably, "There's no use coming to me; I'm not a psychologist."


"What are you so anxious about? It's only been two days. He just had his surgery, and he shouldn't be moving around too much these days anyway. It's good for him to stay in his room. Just don't forget to give him his meals and medicine."

Gu Youyou sighed and, propping her chin, said, "For a man, especially someone whose spirit has been damaged, this kind of thing is hard to accept. Oh, well, Yuancheng is still young, not quite a man yet."