Chapter 252: Odd Old Grandma

Qin Changlin, carrying a freshly prepared teapot, came in and asked Gu Youyou, "The old lady has been hurrying on the road, and I saw she was sweating profusely, with her lips so dry they were peeling. I just made some tea to quench her thirst. Sister Youyou, do you think we should let the old lady come in to rest and have some tea first?"

What is this old lady aimlessly wandering around for? Why does she need to open and look into each room? She said she came to see her granddaughter, but isn't Sister Youyou sitting right here?

Gu Youyou said indifferently, "Let her look if she wants to." Glancing at the tea, she added, "Whether she drinks it or not is up to her. She's the one who's thirsty, not me."

Qin Changlin: "..." This granddaughter and grandmother are really something.

In the end, Gu Youyou said, "Just bring a pot of boiled water instead."