Chapter 258: Are You Moonlighting for Jingshi Room?

Huang Xiangwen, having just finished shoveling pig manure, saw his daughter-in-law gasping for air after vomiting and immediately felt a surge of pity. He dropped the shovel and hurried over to her.

"Oh my child, why are you vomiting so severely? Little ancestor, you're really giving your mother a hard time! If you don't grow up to be a magistrate and honor your mother, how will you ever make it up to her?"

Lei Qianqian raised her pale face, smiled, and said, "Mother, I'm fine!"

Huang Xiangwen's laughter grew even more cheerful, "Look, look, your mother is worrying over you and speaking on your behalf."

The old lady of the Huang Family's triangular eyes nearly shot out flames.

Little ancestor, indeed. It's not even certain whose little ancestor it might be.

Gu Youyou was amusing Abao, who had been eating well and was growing fast. In just over a month, Abao had already grown to the size of a medium-sized dog.