Chapter 336: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

"The Princely Heir's returning to the city, everyone make way swiftly."

The soldiers guarding the city gate straightened up instantly. Some opened the city gates, while many others moved nimbly to push the commoners waiting to enter or exit the city to either side. Opportunities to be seen by the Lingnan Marquis Residence's Princely Heir were not frequent.

"Young Master is back in town, all unrelated persons must quickly clear the way!"

The crowd erupted with noisy chatter.

"The Young Master is back? Hasn't it been three years since he last returned?"

"Hey, why are you pushing? I have legs, don't I? Let me have a look, what's the problem with that?"

"Exactly, what's wrong with taking a look? The Young Master hasn't even spoken, why are you gatekeepers putting on airs?"

A young woman lamented, "The first time I saw the Young Master, I was still an unmarried girl. Why did it take him so long to return!"