Chapter 347: We Are Going to Open a Clinic

Few women are skilled in medical arts, and she even has the audacity to want to open a medical hall in Lingnan? Hmph, as if anyone would seek her out for treatment.

The young woman was clearly filled with disdain, and had it not been for Jin Zijin's presence, she likely would have already buried Gu Youyou under a pile of scathing remarks.

However, the elder matriarch showed not the slightest hint of sarcasm, reassessing Gu Youyou with fresh eyes.

There is truth in saying that one should not judge a book by its cover, that there are always experts hidden among the mountains; some words are not without reason.

If she didn't possess some unique talents, how could Zijin have taken a liking to her?

Moreover... the one who had gone to dig up her background hadn't returned yet, and the information gleaned from Yue Rujing's words was not entirely trustworthy.