Chapter 381: Celebrating New Year at the Marquis Residence

"Hey, do we really have to go to the Marquis Residence for the New Year celebration? Don't you know that group of women there, including your favorite disciple, all dislike me?"

As they approached the entrance to the Marquis Residence, the woman dressed in a pale green jacket kept tugging at the sleeve of the tall man walking in front of her.

She did not want to!

Meanwhile, Abao seemed quite pleased. The path to the Marquis Residence was familiar territory for it, leading the way and occasionally turning back, tilting its head and looking curiously at its awkward master trailing behind.

Jin Zijin said, "Marquess Yue has been kind to me. He invited us, and it wouldn't be polite to refuse."

"This is a case of 'suffering for the sake of face,' and I'm the one who suffers," Gu Youyou asserted righteously.

"Don't you trust me? Or are you scared?"

Screw you!

"I believe you can handle them, they're just a bunch of no-hopers."


That annoying goading tactic.