Chapter 379: Take a Seven-Day Yearly Holiday

Hearing these words, Yue Tingfang's mouth fell open in surprise.

He had thought Yue Ruxue was just throwing a childish tantrum and that it would be over in a few days. He never expected her to harbor such thoughts.

"What nonsense are you spouting?"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm serious. I don't even mind if he takes a concubine first, what more do you want from me?" Yue Ruxue said with a face full of grievance.

"You're crazy." Yue Tingfang slapped a book on the desk with a smack, causing Yue Ruxue to step back in fright.

But she still held her chin high, her face defiant.

"Ayan wants to marry someone of equal social status, do you match up to him?" Yue Tingfang chided.

"What does equal social status mean?" Yue Ruxue blinked, looking utterly clueless.

"He has no parents, he's a lone soul, he should find a wife who is also parentless and alone. If you want him to take a fancy to you, wait until your mother and I are dead," Yue Tingfang said in a fit of pique.