The net-drying matron, upon seeing that they were two outsiders, immediately became wary and asked, "Who are you?"
Gu Youyou had long since prepared their story, and she smiled as she replied, "We are doctors from the inland, hoping to go to Fusang Island to gather some medicinal herbs. The problem is, we haven't found a suitable boat, and we dare not venture there alone, so we were thinking of joining your fishermen to go out to sea. Don't worry, though, we won't take your boat for free, we will pay with silver."
Doctors, wherever they went, were respected and welcomed.
Hearing that they were doctors, the net-drying matron's vigilance eased considerably as she said, "So you're going to collect medicine. The Immortal Mountain on the island indeed has many valuable herbs, but there are also many dangerous beasts. It's very risky to go there to gather herbs, so you two doctors should think it over carefully."