After resupplying water, they continued on their journey.
Just as another carriage arrived by the small He to add water, the carriage curtain was lifted by the wind. That inadvertent glimpse caused Madam Ru to become rooted to the spot, unable to move.
"You Jiang..." Madam Ru, clutching her wildly beating heart, loudly called out to You Jiang outside the carriage, "Stop the carriage, stop it quickly."
They had just refilled with water and had just started moving again.
"What's the matter, Madam?" You Jiang, puzzled by her sudden shout, hurriedly had the carriage stopped at the side of the road.
With urgency, Madam Ru lifted her skirt and stepped down from the carriage, excitedly telling You Jiang, "The carriage in the back, I saw Ziyuan."
How could that be...?
You Jiang looked toward the carriage heading toward the riverbank, a modest carriage pulled by a single horse, looking very inconspicuous, just like one hired by an ordinary person.