Chapter 010: Feng Zhengxiong Takes Action


In just a few breaths, Feng Wuchen had already met Yang Xuan's punch with one of his own, and with a muffled thud, a burst of Qi force vibrated outward. Facing Yang Xuan's full-strength attack, Feng Wuchen easily blocked it.

Yang Xuan's face violently changed, looking at Feng Wuchen in astonishment, somewhat unable to believe it.

Just three days ago, Feng Wuchen was merely at the Fourth Layer of the Body Refining Realm, and he defeated Yang Bufan entirely by breaking his moves, and his strength was truly not a match for Yang Bufan.

But in just three days' time, how had Feng Wuchen's strength risen so much? He could actually contend with the Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm without falling into a disadvantage.

"You're at the Sixth Layer!" After a long moment of shock, Yang Xuan finally exclaimed.

"You're just now realizing that, isn't it a bit late?" Feng Wuchen mocked with a cold smirk, completely undaunted by Yang Xuan.

"This isn't good!" Yang Xuan's expression changed again, realizing that Feng Wuchen, who had been at the Fourth Layer, could already defeat Yang Bufan; now having broken through to the Sixth Layer, it meant that Feng Wuchen could also defeat him!

Thinking of Feng Wuchen's ability to break his opponent's moves instantly, Yang Xuan retreated without hesitation.

"What's wrong? Weren't you going to break my legs?" Feng Wuchen taunted as he saw Yang Xuan backing off.

Yang Xuan's face was extremely somber. Words had been spoken; if he didn't fight, wouldn't he be laughed at by the people of Unmatched City?

Yang Xuan found himself in a true quandary.

At this moment, the choice was not his to make; Feng Wuchen's attack was already rushing in swiftly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Feng Wuchen unleashed a ferocious attack. This time there was no need to break moves; with Feng Wuchen's current strength and speed, he was enough to overwhelm Yang Xuan, treating him like a target.

Facing Feng Wuchen's fierce attack, which was astonishingly fast, Yang Xuan had no power to counter and was forced to retreat step by step.

The crowd on the street had long been dumbstruck.

"Feng Wuchen is actually at the Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm! Where did this waste get such a fast cultivation speed?"

"Wasn't he at the Fourth Layer three days ago? Even with a Second Grade Martial Soul, it shouldn't be possible to break through to the Sixth Layer in three days, even with the help of Spiritual Liquid and Elixir!"

"It's like seeing a ghost! Yang Xuan can't even fight back at all! When did Feng Wuchen become so strong? There's no need to break moves."

Disbelieving eyes fell upon Feng Wuchen, and at this moment, the whole street seemed to freeze, everyone petrified.

"How could this waste possess such strong power?" A great alarm went off in Yang Xuan's mind. Was this still that same Feng Wuchen with a Second Grade Martial Soul?

Impossible to believe the strength could surge within three days!

Punch after punch, kick after kick connected on Yang Xuan. With such speed, Yang Xuan couldn't even see clearly. After a dozen punches, Yang Xuan was already injured.


Feng Wuchen's fist smashed into Yang Xuan's abdomen. The powerful blow made Yang Xuan spit blood, doubled over, followed by a kick that came crashing down from above, stomping Yang Xuan into the ground.

From beginning to end, Yang Xuan had no opportunity to attack.

"So much for a Seventh Level of the Body Refining Realm," Feng Wuchen taunted.

"How could your cultivation possibly have broken through to the Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm?" Yang Xuan growled through clenched teeth, furious at being so effortlessly defeated by Feng Wuchen, almost losing his sanity.

If he couldn't even beat a waste, how could he ever show his face in Unmatched City again?

"Who knows?" Feng Wuchen sneered, "Since you wanted to break one of my legs, and you were the first to provoke me, if I don't break one of your legs, then I would be letting myself down."

"Feng Wuchen! You dare!" Yang Xuan roared furiously.



Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Wuchen's foot came down fiercely, shattering one of Yang Xuan's leg bones with overwhelming force.

"Ah..." The excruciating pain of broken bones made Yang Xuan scream like a slaughtered pig.

The shocked onlookers all turned pale with fear at Yang Xuan's screams, never having seen such ruthless and merciless behavior from Feng Wuchen before.

The previous Feng Wuchen—where was this viciousness, this overpowering force?

"Feng Wuchen! You dare to break my leg! The Yang family will never forgive you!" Yang Xuan bellowed maniacly.

Feng Wuchen simply shrugged his shoulders and coldly chuckled, "Then let the Yang family come at me."

"Hmph! Boy! You dare to injure a member of my Yang family! You're seeking death!" Just as Feng Wuchen finished speaking, suddenly a voice filled with authority and anger rose, and it also carried a powerful aura and killing intent!

"Killing intent! The Family Head of the Yang family, Yang Qingyun!" Feng Wuchen's face slightly shifted.

"Brother Feng, be careful!" Ling Xiaoxiao, who had been watching all along, quickly warned.

"The Family Head is here!" The crowd dispersed in panic.

"Feng Wuchen is doomed this time!" Many people secretly speculated.

A black shadow moved swiftly across the city's buildings, quickly approaching Feng Wuchen. The figure was none other than Yang Qingyun, with the cultivation of Eightfold in the Transformative Realm.

"Family Head, kill him! Kill him now!" Yang Xuan roared furiously and fearfully.

Seeing Yang Xuan's leg bone crushed underfoot, most likely crippled, Yang Qingyun's murderous aura grew even stronger as two of his family's younger members had been disabled.

Feng Wuchen quickly dodged to the side, without a hint of panic, and said coldly, "Family Head Yang, it was he who provoked me first. There are plenty of witnesses here. I simply have the talent of a Second Grade Martial Soul, that's all. If he can't even defeat someone like me, whom he calls trash, then there's nothing I can do."

"Hmph! First, you crippled Bufan's arm, and now you've broken Yang Xuan's leg. I will kill you right now!" Yang Qingyun roared, his face terrifyingly contorted with rage.

Enraged, Yang Qingyun did not have the luxury of wondering why Feng Wuchen had suddenly become so powerful.

With those words, Yang Qingyun charged at Feng Wuchen with ferocious speed, astonishingly fast.

To the average person, Yang Qingyun's figure would be impossible to see, but unfortunately for him, Feng Wuchen was no average person.

The moment Yang Qingyun attacked, Feng Wuchen had already spotted Yang Qingyun's weakness and identified the direction of the attack.

"This brat can really spot an opponent's weakness in an instant!" Yang Qingyun thought furiously, his eyebrows knitted tightly together. His face was losing face big time.

Yang Qingyun's punch missed!

It was such a close call; if Feng Wuchen had reacted even a bit slower, that punch might have been fatal.

Yang Qingyun's cultivation was far superior to Feng Wuchen's—by a full two realms.

"Feng Wuchen actually dodged it!" The crowd on the street burst into shocked exclamations, their eyes nearly popping out.

Yang Qingyun was in the Transformative Realm! How could a weaker person from the Body Refining Realm actually dodge an attack from a stronger opponent?

Was Feng Wuchen even human?

"Hmph! Let's see where you can run!" Yang Qingyun bellowed angrily, charging again after his punch missed.

"Yellow-rank medium Elixir! Fierce Mountain Palm!" As Yang Qingyun closed in on Feng Wuchen, he activated his True Qi and let out a loud shout, launching a palm strike through the air, with a powerful Qi Force sweeping out.

"Damn it! Too late!" Feng Wuchen's face changed drastically.

"Brother Feng!" Ling Xiaoxiao mobilized her True Qi and swiftly rushed over, intending to help Feng Wuchen block the palm strike.

"Don't come here!" Feng Wuchen yelled anxiously, but Ling Xiaoxiao paid no mind to his protest.

"This wretched girl is actually at the Sixth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm!" Yang Qingyun was immensely shocked.

Even with the ability to spot weaknesses instantly, Feng Wuchen was powerless to resist a much stronger opponent who was also using a martial technique.

"Yang Qingyun! If you dare hurt my son, I will kill you today! I'll wipe out your entire Yang family!" Just then, an extremely fierce roar erupted, accompanied by an aura even more formidable than Yang Qingyun's, sweeping over the area.

"Feng Zhengxiong!" Yang Qingyun's face turned pale.

"The Family Head of the Fengs has arrived!" The crowd erupted in exclamations once again.

"Father!" Feng Wuchen felt a surge of relief in his heart; he could rest easy now.

"Yellow-rank medium technique! Raging Wind Palm!" Feng Zhengxiong sprinted over at the fastest speed, while simultaneously countering with his own martial technique.


The collision of two mighty palm strikes produced an explosive noise, destroying the street vendors' stalls on either side of the street, and Yang Qingyun was forced back several steps.

Feng Zhengxiong had repulsed Yang Qingyun with just one exchange, showing that he was far stronger than him.

It was good that he arrived in time; otherwise, Ling Xiaoxiao might have been in trouble.

"Chen Er, Xiao Xiao, are you both alright?" Feng Zhengxiong asked with concern.

"We're fine, luckily father arrived in time." Feng Wuchen shook his head.

Seeing that Feng Wuchen and Ling Xiaoxiao were unharmed, Feng Zhengxiong felt relieved, then turned to Yang Qingyun and said angrily, "Yang Qingyun, to lay hands on a junior like that, it's shameful of you! It's fortunate Chen Er is unharmed, or I would definitely have killed you!"

"Feng Wuchen disabled two younger members of my Yang family; I will not let this go!" Yang Qingyun shouted angrily, knowing he was no match for Feng Zhengxiong. He could only suppress his rage and leave with Yang Xuan.

"If you dare, come at me! I'm ready for you at any time!" Feng Zhengxiong retorted firmly.

Feng Zhengxiong didn't stop them but instead turned to Feng Wuchen and said, "Good job, boy, you struck with real ferocity; well done. Next time you get a chance, kill him."

Feng Zhengxiong was already very sure that Feng Wuchen had broken through to the Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm and couldn't be happier about it. With such progress in just three days, who else possessed such a terrifying talent?

Hearing Feng Zhengxiong's words, Feng Wuchen was startled. His father was even more ruthless than him.

"What were you thinking, you silly girl? Don't you know it's dangerous? And yet you still rushed in." Feng Wuchen looked at Ling Xiaoxiao, his face a mix of rebuke and concern, although he was deeply touched by her actions just now.

He had only known Ling Xiaoxiao for a few days, but she had dared to risk her life for him.

"I was just worried about Brother Feng; it doesn't matter if Xiao Xiao dies, as long as Brother Feng is alive," Ling Xiaoxiao answered with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, you can't die. I owe you my life, remember? Don't do this again in the future." Feng Wuchen softened his tone considerably.

Hearing his concern, Ling Xiaoxiao felt content and nodded repeatedly.

"Chen Er, be very careful when you go out in the future. The Yang family won't let this end easily," Feng Zhengxiong solemnly reminded.

"Don't worry, father. I will settle this account with them," Feng Wuchen said with a fierce, cold smirk. Now that there was enmity, Feng Wuchen wouldn't allow danger to come close to him.

"Good. Take the Spiritual Liquid and get back quickly. After you return, cultivate diligently. With your current rate of cultivation, father believes you can defeat Yang Tian within a month!" Feng Zhengxiong said happily, filled with confidence in Feng Wuchen.

"It seems father has already guessed something," Feng Wuchen muttered to himself.