Chapter 025: Demonstrate Power

"Brother Feng, you helped Yu Wanxiong completely remove the fire poison; aren't you afraid he'll go back on his word?" Ling Xiaoxiao asked with concern as they walked out of Wanbao Pavilion.

"Yu Wanxiong is a businessman, as well as an Alchemist. He values benefits more than anything else; do you think he'll renege?" Feng Wuchen replied with a smile, not worried even if Yu Wanxiong did go back on his word.

No sooner had his words fallen than the expressions of Feng Wuchen and Ling Xiaoxiao suddenly changed: "Be careful, there's killing intent!"

The two sensed a murderous aura almost simultaneously and warned each other.


A sound of piercing through the air suddenly rang by their ears, and Feng Wuchen and Ling Xiaoxiao jerked their heads to look, only to see a dagger flying towards them at high speed.


Feng Wuchen quickly pulled Ling Xiaoxiao aside to dodge, and the following moment, the dagger was embedded in the doorpost at the entrance of Wanbao Pavilion.

Feng Wuchen's cold gaze swept toward the assailant as he said indifferently, "Mo Yu!"

The person who had launched the attack was indeed Mo Yu from the Mo family, who was calmly stepping towards them with a look of arrogant coldness on his face.

Mo Yu, the son of the Mo family's Great Elder, had already reached the Third Layer of the Qi Refining Realm. He was not of the same generation as Feng Wuchen, being several years older and of the same generation as Feng Yuan.

Ling Xiaoxiao's icy glare fixed on Mo Yu. If their cultivation levels had been lacking, Feng Wuchen might well have already been killed in Mo Yu's sneak attack.

Seeing that Feng Wuchen had managed to escape so swiftly, Mo Yu thought to himself in surprise, "This kid has actually broken through to the First Layer of the Qi Refining Realm! He's caught up with Ling'er! Such a terrifying pace of cultivation. Father was right; this kid will definitely be a threat in the future. I must take him down as soon as possible!"

"Brother Feng, I'll go kill him!" Ling Xiaoxiao said coldly, her heart filled with anger. She would never allow anyone who wanted to kill Feng Wuchen to get away with it.

Mo Yu's sneak attack had struck a nerve with Ling Xiaoxiao.

Feng Wuchen quickly stopped her and said, "If we kill him, we'll be the unreasonable ones. Then the Mo family would take the opportunity to act against the Feng family. With the support of the Huangfu family behind the Mo family, we should avoid the limelight for now."

"So we just let it go?" Ling Xiaoxiao was truly unwilling.

"Of course not; am I, Feng Wuchen, that kind of spineless person?" Feng Wuchen retorted with a sneer. "I said we won't kill him, but I never said we won't cripple him."

Even if Mo Yu was at the Fourth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm, Feng Wuchen was in no way frightened, instead feeling very confident.

"Feng Wuchen, I heard you threatened my father. Is there any truth to this?" Standing ten meters away, Mo Yu asked with frigid aloofness, the murderous intent in his eyes only intensifying.

Mo Yu's appearance, and the killing aura he emitted, had already scared the people in the street away.

Tilting his head slightly, Feng Wuchen responded with a cold laugh, "Who knows."

As far as Feng Wuchen was concerned, he never had a good impression of Mo Yu, even back when Mo Yu had not ceased causing trouble for him, despite his association with Mo Ling'er at the time.

"I'll take that as a yes." Mo Yu said coldly, his True Qi surging within him as he took a step forward and charged towards Feng Wuchen like a venomous snake.

"Xiao Xiao, stand back," Feng Wuchen instructed, as he activated the power of Dragon God's Breath and charged forth to meet Mo Yu's challenge head-on.

"Be careful, Brother Feng!" Ling Xiaoxiao urged him quickly, aware that Mo Yu's cultivation level in the Third Layer of the Qi Refining Realm was far above Feng Wuchen's, especially since Feng Wuchen had only just made his breakthrough.

Feng Wuchen, rushing forward, threw the first punch, his fist shrouded with a faint blue glow, explosive as a fierce tiger.

"Such great strength! This brat defeated Yang Tian, he's not weak, and now he has broken through to the First Layer of the Qi Refining Realm. I can't underestimate him," Mo Yu thought to himself, knowing Feng Wuchen's deeds all too well.

With tremendous speed, Mo Yu closed the distance to Feng Wuchen within a few breaths, bending his body to dodge Feng Wuchen's strike.

Immediately after, Mo Yu hammered his palms into the ground while his feet twirled upward in a spiraling kick, performing the action smoothly and without delay.

Feng Wuchen was quick too, leaning back while delivering a kick straight towards Mo Yu's head.


His foot struck Mo Yu's face, a blow that also cleverly evaded Mo Yu's advance, showcasing Feng Wuchen's dexterity.

Struck by Feng Wuchen at the very start of the fight, the intense pain in his face fueled Mo Yu's rage.

In terms of combat experience, Mo Yu was far inferior.

With a grimaced face, Mo Yu's glare grew more intense as he charged again, leaping high for a flying kick at Feng Wuchen.

"Hmph!" Seeing through Mo Yu's move in an instant, Feng Wuchen accelerated forward.

Before Mo Yu's kick could land, Feng Wuchen was already beneath him, grabbing his flying leg with his left hand and seizing a vital spot with his right hand, hoisting Mo Yu up.

Mo Yu's face turned pale and before he could react, Feng Wuchen had hurled him out like tossing garbage. Mo Yu crashed heavily into a roadside stall, a complete mess.

The crowd watching from a distance on the street was dumbfounded at Feng Wuchen's ferocity. They were shocked by his breakthrough to the First Layer of the Qi Refining Realm and by his formidable strength.

After easily defeating three members of the Yang family, now even Mo Yu of the Mo family was no match for him. Was Feng Wuchen unbeatable among his peers?

"If you only have the skills of a preschooler, stop embarrassing yourself. That's all the younger generation of the Mo family amounts to," Feng Wuchen scoffed.

By this time, Yu Wanxiong and Zhang Han had also received the news and came out from Wanbao Pavilion.

"Pavilion Master, Mo Yu launched a sneak attack on Young Master Feng and nearly killed him. It looks like Young Master Feng won't let Mo Yu off easily," a guard reported in a low voice.

"The rate at which Feng Wuchen's strength is increasing is truly terrifying," Yu Wanxiong frowned to himself, showing no intention of intervening.

Mo Yu clumsily clambered up, glaring at Feng Wuchen with savage eyes, looking as if he wanted to eat him alive.

"You brat! How dare you look down on me!" Mo Yu gritted his teeth and spoke, his body seething with a murderous aura.

Having entered the First Layer of the Qi Refining Realm, Feng Wuchen had enhanced both his True Qi intensity and his physical strength. With his current combat power, if he were to use the Fiery Blade, he could at least hold his own against the Fourth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm and not be defeated!

Mo Yu was but at the Third Layer of the Qi Refining Realm—how could Feng Wuchen view him as a concern?

"It seems I was overly concerned; Brother Feng's strength is too great, Mo Yu is simply no match," Ling Xiaoxiao muttered to herself in her mind, now reassured, a smile appearing on her pretty face.

In a rage, Mo Yu fully channeled his True Qi, forming hand seals, and then shouted furiously, "Yellow-rank mid-tier martial skill! Ice Slash!"


As his cry fell, an arm-sized blade of ice shot out, exuding an intense cold wherever it passed.

"Hmph!" Feng Wuchen sneered, and with a thought, he stimulated his Ice Attribute True Qi and quickly charged towards the Ice Slash.

"Seeking death!" Mo Yu roared angrily. Although his technique had been seen through by Feng Wuchen, as a Third Layer practitioner of the Qi Refining Realm, he was confident he could defeat Feng Wuchen with his martial skills.

Yu Wanxiong frowned slightly; he couldn't tell what Feng Wuchen was planning.

Feng Wuchen's speed increased rapidly, and just as he was half an inch away from the Ice Slash, something miraculous happened.

Under the incredibly shocked gazes of the crowd, Feng Wuchen's body instantaneously froze into ice; the next second, he returned to his original form, having somehow already circumvented the Ice Slash!

"How is this possible!" Mo Yu's face changed drastically, overwhelmingly shocked.

"Young Master Feng seems to have passed right through Mo Yu's Ice Slash! Was it an illusion?"

"What happened just now? Feng Wuchen was clearly hit, but how did he avoid it? Could Young Master Feng also be capable of invisibility?"

"Young Master Feng didn't dodge at all; he just charged through the Ice Slash unscathed!"

The crowd erupted into a frenzy, their eyes widening to the extreme, as they all felt like they had witnessed an illusion.


The fiercely charging Feng Wuchen slammed his elbow into Mo Yu's chest. With a muffled bang, the sheer force made Mo Yu spit out blood, his body flying back several meters, tumbling several times on the ground.

"What an amazing ability! Feng Wuchen's Ice Attribute seems to have merged with Mo Yu's Ice Slash," Yu Wanxiong thought in extreme shock, having never seen anyone apply Ice Attribute True Qi to such a terrifying extent.

Feng Wuchen had not dodged the Ice Slash; he had truly passed right through it.

"Damn it! What happened just now? How could he be so strong! A mere First Layer of the Qi Refining Realm couldn't possibly defeat me!" Mo Yu struggled to his feet, his eyes bloodshot with raging anger in his heart.

Mo Yu didn't understand how Feng Wuchen had avoided his attack and he didn't have the mind to ponder it any further, as he was blinded by rage.

"If it had come to a head-on collision, we might be evenly matched, but fighting isn't just about the strength of power; it also requires experience and brains," Feng Wuchen said with a cold sneer, stepping forward.

The overwhelming presence of a superior fighter instilled a vague fear in Mo Yu's heart.

The Feng Wuchen before him was no longer the Feng Wuchen of the past, but a highly dangerous person!

With a fierce countenance and eyes like a venomous snake, Mo Yu fixed his gaze on Feng Wuchen, again channeling his True Qi as if he wanted to continue the battle.

But the next second, the dagger that had been pinned to the Wanbao Pavilion's doorpost was now under the control of Mo Yu's True Qi, reflecting back towards him.

At that moment, Mo Yu also charged forward with a fury.

"Child's play!" Feng Wuchen said with disdain.

With a turn, Feng Wuchen swept his leg through the air, striking the dagger and suddenly accelerating it toward Mo Yu!

The dagger grew rapidly in size in Mo Yu's shocked and terrified eyes, scaring him to his core.

Mo Yu, in utter panic, tried to dodge to the right, but it was too late.


The dagger mercilessly stabbed into Mo Yu's right shoulder; had it been a moment slower, it would have likely stabbed into his chest!



The next second, Feng Wuchen charged ferociously forward, smashing a palm onto the site of the dagger, with a dull bang, the dagger pierced straight through Mo Yu's shoulder, shooting out, while Mo Yu himself was also sent flying several meters away.

Mo Yu was seriously injured and utterly incapable of standing up.

He had hoped to take this opportunity to eliminate Feng Wuchen, only to end up in such a sorry state.

"Gentlemen, you've all seen it, Mo Yu attacked me first. If I hadn't dodged in time, I might have lost my life. I spared him, which is already giving a lot of face to the Mo family," Feng Wuchen sneered coldly. With so many people from Unmatched City as witnesses, Feng Wuchen wasn't the least bit afraid of the Mo family.