Chapter 161: The Situation Worsens

A large swarm of imperial guards charged up, their momentum fierce and threatening.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Ahh ahh ahh!"

Feng Wuchen quickly maneuvered out of the way, his figure transformed into a series of flickering black shadows. Everywhere he passed, dull thuds and screams of pain followed, as guards were sent flying one after another.

Against these guards, Feng Wuchen didn't even need to use his True Yuan.

In a short moment, more than a dozen guards had been struck and sent flying, not even knowing how they ended up in flight.

Of course, Feng Wuchen exercised restraint with his attacks; he didn't kill a single one, merely inflicting heavy injuries.

"Hmph!" Watching guard after guard get injured, the City Lord snorted coldly and, charging up his True Yuan, he rushed out to join the fray.

The City Lord's cultivation was not weak; he was at the Third Layer of the Yuandan Realm.